20 Best Perennial Plants For Your Raised Bed

Flowers have magic, no garden can be completed without them. The beauty of them attracts bees and butterflies. Your garden will be fragrant in their presence. Beautiful flowers change your mood and your sadness will turn into happiness. 

If you have an artistic mind then the flowers are very special for you like William Wordsworth forgot the world after seeing the beauty of daffodils. Perennials are extraordinarily versatile and very easy to grow. 

You can grow them in many ways in your raised beds, to create a border, ground cover beneath trees as fillers between shrubs. Your efforts are not vain, growing them pays off in full. Their unusual leaves and beautiful flowers with enchanting fragrance change the look of your garden or your growing area. 

If you have limited space you can grow them in containers or planters. Your boring balcony will become the best sitting area in your house. Perennials do not affect your pocket and give a better return on money. After planting them you will enjoy them year after year. Their ideal traits make them garden essentials. 

Read More: Best Annuals Flowers For Raised Beds

20 Perennial Plants For Your Garden

Perennial plants give color to your garden from April to November. Perennials do not affect your pocket and give a better return on money. After planting them you will enjoy them year after year. Their ideal traits make them garden essentials. We will discuss here twenty beauties related to this species of flowers.



You can’t deny the beauty of all varieties of this type of perennial plant. The popular varieties of salvia are black and blue. Salvia nemorosa is a plant that has purple flowers from summer to autumn. The blooming time is from late spring to early summer. If you are living in a hot and dry place then salvia plants are a good option for your garden.

2- Lavender.


If you plant lavender in your raised bed, it looks like stars in your bed. It is best for edging, borders, and containers. Hot dry weather is suitable for their growth so if you are living in a dry area where there is less rain, it means this is the right choice for your garden. The major variety of lavender is Platinum Blonde which has yellow stripes in the foliage. You can grow it with other plants to give a combination of different flowers.

3-Daylily ( Hemerocallis).

If you want many flowers in one plant then daylily is best. Different colors are found like petals, pink, purple, red, yellow, and white. Its petals have an elegant shape and the height of the plant is about 4 feet. If you are new in gardening and you don’t have any knowledge about this then you can easily grow this colorful plant because they can survive in any climate and require little maintenance.


The different colors like pink, purple, red and crisp white of phlox flowers, enhance the beauty of your garden. The blooming season of highly pregnant flowers in late spring through to autumn. This plant likes to grow in rich and moist soil. Phlox subulata produces a mass of flowers and can be used as a ground cover or rockeries.



The other name of seasons is stonecrops. Salty and coastal conditions are appropriate for the growth of sedum plants. The planting season for this type of plants, late summer and autumn. Butterflies and bees get nectar from these beautiful flowers.

Read More: What Flowers to Plant in Raised Beds?


This evergreen flower likes organically rich, moist, and well-drained soil. The height of the plant is about 1 foot and it gives green foliage throughout the year. It has rainbow colors like green, pink, red, and yellow. You can plant them beneath the deciduous tree as a ground cover. The blooming season of this flower is between December and April.



Choose a place which has full sunlight to plant this flower. It likes organically-rich, sandy, and well-drained soil. The famous variety of this flower is purple cornflower. The blooming season of this flower is starting in early June and lasting until the first frost in your area. You can see its beautiful flowers for a long time in your garden.


It is a fast-growing plant which fills your garden very quickly. It is a herb which likes full sun. Well-drained and sandy soil is best for its better production. The beautiful shades of this flower are red, white, peach, orange and yellow. Its height is about 2 to 4 feet. The presence will increase attractiveness in the landscape. The blooming season of this flower is from June to September.



If your garden has space that is dry or has deep shade, you can grow this plant in that area. The height of this plant is about 12 to 18 inches tall. The blooming period is from late spring to early summer. 

Gold and Amber shades of this flower bloom in autumn. You can get flowers and colors like white, pink, purple, and blue in your garden throughout the summer season with low maintenance. Little hard work is required for the growth of this plant.

10-Tickseed (Coreopsis Verticillata).


 Full sunlight is necessary for the best production of flowers. The blooming season of these flowers are from mid to late summer. You need space because they spread very fast. The beautiful colors of these flowers are yellow-orange. No need for extra care and easily enhance the beauty of your mixed beds and borders.

10-Black-eyed Susan.

Black-eyed Susan

 The blooming season of this flower is from June to September. It needs organically red soil and full sun exposure. The attractive yellow-orange petals and dark brown centers grow up to 3 feet. You can easily grow it in the next season because of self-sow. They required a large space to grow. The best combination of black-eyed Susan is with Montauk daisy and cornflower.

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11-Blazing Star.

Blazing Star

If you want to grow blazing star in your garden or your raised bed it likes moist, organically rich well-drained soil. The colors of these flowers soothe your eyes. Spikes laden with blossom of pink, purple and white. The height of this plant can reach up to 4 feet. The blooming season is from July to September. If you decorate them in your vase, it will last long in any flower arrangements.


 It is a non-invasive flowering vine that likes moist, organically rich well-drained soil. If you grow it in full sun then its fragrance will give you a mesmerizing effect. You can grow it according to your choice. 

There are many ways to plant these flowers, you can train it up or grow over lattice frameworks. Here your creativity is needed to decorate your garden. If you have a boring window or an empty wall, you can decorate it with trellis.

13-Creeping Thyme.

The pink-purple blossoms of this plant will refresh your soul. Everything feels good if you are happy internally. If you are sad then the sight of these flowers will fresh your mood. The height of these flowers is about 3 inches. You can sow it along walkways and driveways. Its vivid color will enhance the beauty of your beds and borders. Full sun and well-drained soil are necessary essentials for their growth.

14-Siberian Iris.

This plant grows from a root structure called a rhizome. You will have to maintain moisture in the soil for their plantation. You can’t deny the beauty of its colors because it has blue, pink, purple, white and yellow variety. 

Its height is about 4 feet long. The dramatic colors of their blossoms will enrich the beauty of the spring garden. After the flowers wither, prune away the entire stems. Leave the grass leaves to feed the rhizomes. You can sow these flower plants in early spring or fall.

15-Montauk Daisy.

 Beauty always impresses man. Magnificent blooms of daisy flowers always fascinate us. They have white petals and greenish centers that bloom in July and August. Sow the seeds of Daisy plants in Early Spring. This versatile plant has bright green leaves and its height is about 1- ¹/2  to 3 feet. They are good companions of bee balm and balloon flowers. The astonishing colour of these plants are red, white, and blue.

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The blooming season of this flower is from June to the first frost. This bright colored plant and bell-shaped flowers need well-drained soil. These summer flowers will decorate your borders. You can easily maintain these plants which look fabulous in the group. Their presence will give a different look to your patio containers. Bees and butterflies love this perennial.

17-Balloons Flowers.

The organically rich and well-drained soil is the basic requirement for the plantation of balloon flowers. This flower needs low maintenance but prefers full sun to part shade. You should sow seeds in early spring if desired deadhead to extend the bloom season. You can find a large variety of colors that belong to this type of perennial. 

The colors are blue, white, purple, and pink. The astonishing beauty of white petaled varieties perform an essential function. The height of this plant is about 2 feet and has balloon-like buds. The blooming season of these stunning flowers in July and August.

18-Giant Allium.

Five feet high plant has large globes of purple blossoms. Giant Allium has flowers like an onion bulb. You can grow them to define the back of your raised bed border. You can also make a focal point in the middle of a bed. 

The blooming season of Giant Allium is in May and June. These flowers will not grow well if the soil has excessive moisture and poor drainage. These unusual flowers give whimsical pops of color and texture that seem to float on air.



This evergreen plant likes to grow in sunny to partially shady areas. It also likes moist and well-drained soil. The different colors of these flowers like blue, white green and purple, have a dramatic effect on your garden’s beauty. The height of this plant is about 6 inches. Sow seeds or plants in early spring. 

The blooming season of these flowers is from May to June. If you have any troublesome areas in your garden then you can fill it with this type of flower. You can also grow them along with walkways.


If you like hot colors like red, golden brown, orange, and bright yellow then helenium is an exact preference for your garden. The petals are arranged like a stiff skirt that spread out from the center. It will easily fill your place where you are growing them. The taller varieties need some support to keep plants upright. 

This plant has long-lasting perennial flowers. You will have to provide moist soil and a sunny spot for the adequate advancement of this flower. Bees and butterflies adore them very much. In late summer, it will give fiery plants in your borders. From mid-summer to early autumn, you will admire a large number of gorgeous flowers.

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Tips For Your Perennials Plants

I hope the above discussion will help you to select the best perennials for your growing area. Here are some tips regarding the growth of fascinating perennials that will guide you.

  • If your perennial plants outgrow a space you can divide them or you can adjust them to another place. You can also exchange them with your friends who are also lovers of gardening. You can expand your garden without disturbing your budget. 
  • By growing perennials, you can move ahead towards your dream garden. 
  • If you want to avoid hard work by mature nursery plants rather than seeds or seedlings because they need a lot of water and care.
  • If you want to retain the moisture in your beds you should add mulch.
  • You should remove the spent blossoms to encourage more blooming.

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