Dahlias are among those flowers which anybody can want to grow to add a beautiful texture to their garden. Dahlias can be grown easily, and they produce blooms of variant colors, these blooms appear on plants from mid of the summer through fall. At first sight, they may seem to be very hard to grow, but they are similar to other flowers that you grow in your garden.
About Dahlias
Dahlias are shrubby, herbaceous plants native to Mexico. Dahlias, sunflowers, daisies, chrysanthemums, and zinnia are members of the same family. Their flowers can range in size from dinner plates to petite pompoms.
Dahlias can be grown from seeds and are also available in the form of tubers. Every single seed produces a plant and this plant is genetically different from its parent plant. But when you grow them from tubers the new plant will exactly identical to the parent plant as tubers are copies of the parent plant. Dahlias are annual plants.
When To Plant Dahlia?
Dahlias like to remain in sunny spots, also they like well-drained soil. They are cold hardy and prefer hot water. Plant dahlia outside when soil warms up after passing last cold. Most dahlias will start to produce flowers by mid-summer.
If you live in an area where winter is prolonged but you want to start your dahlia plant early, you can start the plantation of your plant in a small pot like a one-gallon pot 14 days before your last frost date.
On the arrival of hot days, place the pots under the growing lights or in front of a sunny window. And once the risk of frost is passed, you can transplant them in your garden or into a larger pot if you want to grow them in the container.
Growing Dahlias in Raised Beds
As I mentioned earlier dahlias are cold and hardy they also do not like hot shade at all, the thing they prefer is hot sunshine. The morning sun rays are liked by them the most, but somehow protection from some afternoon shades is required.
As dahlias bloom in mid of the summer so it’s better to start earlier. To start their growth they wait until the soil gets warm-up, this issue can be overcome by using raised beds.
Preparation of Raised Beds:
Dahlias like acid soil so use soil that is specifically prepared for acid-loving plants or add 1 cup of sulfur per 100 square feet when preparing the soil.
Dahlias can be growing very well in raised beds because here you can easily manage the soil requirements of plants as compared to the ground. Moreover, you can easily control the drainage in raised beds. Dahlias do not like clay soil.
Tender shoulders need to be inserted into a 10-12 inch deep hole. Add 2 tablespoons of bone meal to the bottom of the hole. Place the tuber on its side and at the same time run on a solid stake.
Stakes will act as a marker, and also avoids the risk of damaging the roots or growing shoots that may occur after the hole is filled. Sprinkle some soil on the tubers. Look at the sprouts and gradually fill in the hole as the plant grows.
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Care For Dahlias
Dahlias produce remarkable blooms and grow stunningly well in raised beds when they receive the proper attention they need:
Dahlias like watering when they grow but not at the initial stages like when you plant tubers. But in some cases, water is necessary at the initial stages as well, like when you grow your plants in hot climates. Young dahlias do not need much water. In fact, over watering can result in plant rot.
A good rule is if your area has frequent rainfall then you can avoid watering your plants regularly but if there is no rainfall then water once in a week. Pots need to be watered more regularly.
Provide proper feed to your plants as they grow, once they started producing flowers use a fertilizer with high phosphorus content or you can also use the same fertilizer you provide your tomato plants. In the initial stages give fertilizers to your plants after 21 days and then once in 30 days.
Always test the soil before providing it with fertilizers to check the mineral content. Never apply fertilizer just for the sake of fertilizing. Over-fertilizing can be responsible for some environmental issues, or it can hurt your plants and it is a waste of money as well.
It is important to provide dahlia plants with a proper space so they get full room to grow well. if there is no proper space between plants, plants will not get proper light and air flow when they grow to their maximum size which can be problematic or may cause diseases.
Soil Temperature:
As dahlias wait for the soil to get warm to start their growth so soil temperature of more than 55 Fahrenheit is recommended. In addition, your soil should be moist, but not soggy. Just like when storing dahlia tubers, moisture can cause rot.
It is the toughest thing while taking care of dahlia because the main stem grows from the ground and it forms two branches on either side. Once the three branches are formed on the stalk, you have to take out the center.
By doing this you can get more blooms as well as it stimulates the overall growth of plants, Or it can be attained by cutting the 3rd or 4th leaf set of the plant.
It is essential to put plants on stakes because dahlias have a shallow root system as compared to the size of the plant. So they can be easily damaged by winds. You can use bamboo sticks or tomato cages to provide them support. Or tie the branches as it grows because their spread also makes them prone to falling.
When planting in rows, you can also run strings on both sides of the row which are supported by anchor posts at the end of the row to prevent the plants from falling.
Pests Control:
Dahlias are susceptible to insects such as aphids, thrips, Japanese beetle, cucumber beetle, and earwigs. Moreover, because of negligence in watering, you can also see fungal issues in your dahlias.
These pests can be controlled biologically or chemically. And if you see fungal symptoms then use fungicides but keep in mind to use the environment-friendly chemicals.
The most common problem is having molds on your plants, it can be easily controlled by checking your watering table because it is caused by wet leaves.
Dahlia flower looks much more attractive in their full bloom so you can pick the flower after its complete opening or if you want you can do it earlier. try to pick the flowers early in the morning when the air is fresh and the temperature is mild.
Dahlia plants take longer to produce flowers after picking. You can store your flower for at least seven days after picking it, keep it in a clean vessel and check the water regularly. These flowers will increase the beauty of your rooms or you can place them on your tabletop as well.
Clean water is the essential thing you can do to enhance the life of your dahlias. Changing the water daily and keeping it clean is key.
How Long Does It Take To Flowering?
The number of blooms and size of the flowers are largely depends upon the variety. Dahlias often start producing flowers in the late summer and continue this process until the start of winter. It takes a few months to start flowering after the date of planting.
In general, the smaller varieties produce more flowers than larger ones. A plant from a smaller variety can produce two or more flowers per pants per week. And the larger ones usually have a single flower on the plant which stays long.
Ways to Get Your First Plant:
There are so many ways to get your first plant. As they can be started from tubers or also available as small potted plants in nurseries. So you can buy dahlia tubers from any dahlia center or you can take ant of its branch from your friend or relative because it grows from it as well.
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Basic Tips To Grow Dahlia:
Here are some basic tips to grow dahlias:
- As dahlias are not as cold so during winter months tubers need to be stored in the quiet cold but frozen conditions. Also check the humidity levels in environments during this resting phase.
- When the risk of frost is ended, place the tubers in pots that are filled with organic and well drained soil.
- After plantation applies water to the soil but makes sure you do not over water it, as it can harm the tubers. They minute water until they grow. When they grow 10-12 inches tall water them regularly.
- As the dahlias grow taller it is best to provide them support as it can protect them from the damage caused by winds.
- After a few months of planting like a minimum of 3-4 months, they start flowering which lasts until your first frost.
- The best way to enhance the life of a vessel of dahlias is to keep them in clean water, or regularly add some essentials into the water.
- As dahlias can also be grown from tubers or the remaining of plants will start next year upon the arrival of favorable conditions. So after the death of plants instead of planting the site with other plantations, take care of it because in this you can expect the dahlias growth in the coming year.
Classification Of Dahlia:
Horticulturalists have classified dahlias into ten main divisions and some subdivisions on the base of their prominent characters and distinctions.
Selection of dahlia is much more difficult than growing them, because there are so many varieties and every single ones is produce extremely beautiful flowers. However, dahlias can be divided into three main groups
- Large
- Medium
- And small
They grow maximum three to four feet in length. The most popular dahlia in this division is dinner plate dahlia which is mainly known for its large flowers that range in size from 10-12 inches in diameter.
They grow best behind perennial borders with other large perennials. They produce large showy flowers in late summer and in early winters. As the flowers are large in size, their weight can cause the breakdown or bending of stem in summer winds. So provide them support with some bamboo sticks or eccentric spirals.
They grow maximum 1-2 feet in length. They are also known as border plants because gardeners mainly grow them on borders. These dahlias look great in front of a perennial bed, they gives a unique and very beautiful look when paired with other late-blooming perennials such as phlox and esters.
In addition, these dahlias can be easily grown in containers. To do something exciting, consider cactus flowered dahlias which have patently rolled petals.
These dahlias are growing 10-12 inches in length. And they are suitable for window boxes. They produce beautiful and long-lasting blooms. You can also use them on the border or in pots and planters.

Classification Of Dahlia:
Horticulturalists have classified dahlias into ten main divisions and some subdivisions on the base of their prominent characters and distinctions.
Selection of dahlia is much more difficult than growing them because there are so many varieties and every single ones is produce extremely beautiful flowers. However, dahlias can be divided into three main groups
- Large
- Medium
- And small
They grow maximum three to four feet in length. The most popular dahlia in this division is dinner plate dahlia which is mainly known for its large flowers that range in size from 10-12 inches in diameter.
They grow best behind perennial borders with other large perennials. They produce large showy flowers in late summer and in early winters. As the flowers are large in size, their weight can cause the breakdown or bending of stem in summer winds. So provide them support with some bamboo sticks or eccentric spirals.
They grow maximum 1-2 feet in length. They are also known as border plants because gardeners mainly grow them on borders. These dahlias look great in front of a perennial bed, they gives a unique and very beautiful look when paired with other late-blooming perennials such as phlox and esters.
In addition, these dahlias can be easily grown in containers. To do something exciting, consider cactus flowered dahlias which have patently rolled petals.
These dahlias are growing 10-12 inches in length. And they are suitable for window boxes. They produce beautiful and long-lasting blooms. You can also use them on the border or in pots and planters.